21 Jan. 2025 /

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Prohibited items

Here you will find a list of items that are prohibited to buy, sell, exchange, sell or publish job ad, remember to check this article before you advertise as violating these terms may result in the suspension of your account and legal implications according to your country.

Prohibited any product or service that the law of the country in which it is announced forbid, for example drugs, prescription drugs, animal / wildlife exotic or endangered etc.

Telephone equipment negative band, cloned, reported etc.

Subsidy codes.

Devices or services to clone or change equipment identification numbers

Firearms, explosives, ammunition and related countries except permitted and companies with the legal requirements that support you as an authorized distributor of these products.

Items that promote violence or discrimination

hallucinogens illegal in your country

Credit or debit cards, checks, stocks and others.

stolen property

legal and / or personal documents

Lottery tickets, lotus and / or pools as well as any other items whose sale will be reserved for establishments duly authorized by law.

lack of seriousness or teasing deals

Bones, organs or human waste