In e-commerce world all information Enter through the eyes, the main photo of our article becomes essential when capturing a client, so it must be as professional, clear and detailed as possible.
Today we will give you some tips to achieve incredible product photographs with few materials and from your home.
Product photography is traditionally done in studies, to make it from your home you will need some basic lighting, the color of the light or the bulb preferably white although in some cases you can use yellow or warm light depending on the color of the object you will photograph. A background that we also recommend as white as possible, can be paper or fabric, and finally some translucent paper or thin fabric that we put in front of the light to blur it. We will always try to get the best possible photo to make a very short editing process.
The lights should always be at equal distances from the object, you can not put the lamp to one side near and the opposite side away because the object will saturate to one side and look for a even color and balanced over the entire surface of the object.
The background and / or surfaces that are involved in the photo must be very clean and smooth, any wrinkles can generate shadows that will remove professionalism to the final image.
It is advisable to take pictures with white backgrounds as they give a feeling of breadth, professionalism and 3d effect.
You will wonder how some people take shots with background completely white, well, it is simple, you must direct your main illumination to the white background and separate the object from the bottom minimum 30 cm, this saturates the background and the object is left with its natural color, in addition you can on expose a little the image to further clarify the background, the exposure fits in your camera.
Another important aspect is the diffusers in the lights, if you point a light bulb directly to the object will have brighter parts and many shadows, these shadows damage the photography so always in professional photography see umbrellas or panels in front of the light bulbs, you can do it in House with any translucent paper or thin cloth, this will dissipate the light, distribute it more evenly and avoid the annoying shadows.
When photographing metallic objects or with reflective surfaces you must play with the angle at which you take the photograph and you can cover yourself with white fabric leaving only a small aperture for the camera lens.
Sometimes you have to take photos with black background, for example when you have very clear objects or when you need more contrast, to take these pictures, you must do the opposite of the white background photos, you should not direct all the light to your background, You direct the light on the object and you try that the smaller amount of light reaches the background.